Dreadnoughts and Faggons
My girlfriend squeezed the dough around her belly button into the shape of a doughnut and asked me if it was making me hungry. I'm not sure of my reaction. Then she did the same to her roommate. She had a look of horror on her face. She had that look that people get on the subway when a homeless person bumps into them or sneezes without covering their mouth. Eeew!
Still no activity on the password enabling. None of the HR group came in today so there is no one to get things rolling. I've been sitting here wishing i'd brought my laptop so i could download porn. The company laptop provided me has some sort of porno block. I wish i had a built in porno block.
Tomorrow i go ice skating.
Still no activity on the password enabling. None of the HR group came in today so there is no one to get things rolling. I've been sitting here wishing i'd brought my laptop so i could download porn. The company laptop provided me has some sort of porno block. I wish i had a built in porno block.
Tomorrow i go ice skating.
Once again...Wrong Island
I'm here on hour five of not being able to log onto my company's network. The people in IT are a bunch of no responsibility taking motherfuckers. "Oh, we could do that but i don't want to get in trouble....you know man...this is my job." Well, hell yeah, i understand hesitating to do anything if your job is to do nothing. It's like being unemployed (which i was for a while) and your roommate asks you to wash your dishes and you think "Oh, we (the royal we) could do that but i don't want to get in trouble...you know man...unemployment is my job."
Let me write about something that makes me happy: Chinese People.
Arghh! Now it is the end of the day and did they fix my password? No. No. No. No.
Let me write about something that makes me happy: Chinese People.
Arghh! Now it is the end of the day and did they fix my password? No. No. No. No.
Tuesday of Champions
It's about 2 hours of simmer time now. That's how long it's taken so far to get my network password re-enabled. This company's IT sucks. Fucking bullshit.
Monday Morning Grunt and Gutsy
All weekend i've been miserable because i want to leave the job i have now. It bothered me so much i let it spill out and over onto other minor worries i've not been paying attention to. Then i had a nightmare.
My boss has returned from her trip. I think she is on her period because her boobs look heavy and swollen. They look like they are full of pomegranite juice and ready to bust. Her bra doesn't fit properly and you can see mammary bunched up on top of the fabric like a generous scoop of frozen yogurt on a black wafer cone spotted with worker's sweat. She's wearing a mint colored sweater that smells like armpit.
I have a little sketchbook that i keep drawing Jack Kirby designs in (Thor and Fantastic Four). I'm trying to get that early Marvel style of cosmic energy effects ala Galactus or the atmosphere of the Negative Zone.
The Viper is going to give me a painting lesson tomorrow.
I almost died and shit.
My landlady's kid doesn't like to talk or share candy. I wonder if she'll talk candy. When i tried to reach into her candy basket she growled. Her neck tensed up with bulging veins and then a low predatory howl came out of her mouth. She is a demon. Her sister, dressed up like a Eddie Bauer crime fighter, handed me one of her lollipops and said, about her younger sister, "She's not good at sharing."
My weekend
My boss has returned from her trip. I think she is on her period because her boobs look heavy and swollen. They look like they are full of pomegranite juice and ready to bust. Her bra doesn't fit properly and you can see mammary bunched up on top of the fabric like a generous scoop of frozen yogurt on a black wafer cone spotted with worker's sweat. She's wearing a mint colored sweater that smells like armpit.
I have a little sketchbook that i keep drawing Jack Kirby designs in (Thor and Fantastic Four). I'm trying to get that early Marvel style of cosmic energy effects ala Galactus or the atmosphere of the Negative Zone.
The Viper is going to give me a painting lesson tomorrow.
I almost died and shit.
My landlady's kid doesn't like to talk or share candy. I wonder if she'll talk candy. When i tried to reach into her candy basket she growled. Her neck tensed up with bulging veins and then a low predatory howl came out of her mouth. She is a demon. Her sister, dressed up like a Eddie Bauer crime fighter, handed me one of her lollipops and said, about her younger sister, "She's not good at sharing."
My weekend