
punked down by shannon...ON CAMERA!

smell my neck is what her body language is saying. look at my earings...i made them with condom wrappers. he doesn't look pleased at all.

punked down by herm...ON CAMERA!

this is me at a lord of the rings gym out in West NY

my pal sarah

my pal sarah, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

she was a little combatative this night. there is a ghost in the background

my empty glass

my empty glass, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

i get terribly drunk sitting on the toilet

my shower curtain

my shower curtain, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

i get mighty bored when i'm sittin on that toilet

You can tell neither of them is listening to each other.

she is a conductor of lies and he is an orchestra of hormones in the key of titties

Where are her hands at?

Condoms? We don't need no stinking condoms.

Baby Hulk smell like couch cheeses

His anger is so potent that others must ignore him all together.

"Stick with me baby - i'll be the king of slum lords one day!"

Tim & Mindy at a party...in a trailer upstate while a locust storm occurs outside? Nope.

dante's rib shack ale house

i move through the night like a sexual carbon copy