

i didn't even say i love. i said “I’m above” but the tip of the
beer bottle hit my front tooth, the right one, the dead one, or my
right your left.

i was wasted and i fibbed my way
through the poem but i wasn't the one who believed
me.........you were. you said Rilke............i said
Malkovich...........you said Sanchez i said Fulani....
you said Keats i said Jacome.

it's all good baby. All that matters now
is that i owe you cab fare and i'm
good for it. it may take me years and i don't believe
in interest but i'm interested in you therefore i'm
interested in paying you whatever price just to be
able to call you up and play nice.

bad hearing, strange taste in mouth, clouded
vision, high

all the way over the bridge and back again tonight


when upstate puerto rico and upstate korea meet no one can figure out who farted first. this is in the once great cherry tavern. Posted by Hello

What ever happened to this girl Tim? She was surly and tipsy all the time and she had that uppity camel toe thing going on. Where you at WonderWoman. Where you at? This guy was just at the bar i think. Bastard. Posted by Hello

This is Demian. He took all the photos i put on the blog today. Thanks man. Posted by Hello


intimatemustache, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

Hey ladies,

Tim and Herm put the train in Training Mustache if you know what i mean. Go to WWW.Whithothouse.Com for your choo chooing pleasure.


helloharrypotter, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

this lady sounded a lot like the ghost girl in the second harry potter movie. i think she got kicked out of the country but is making her way back. right D?

i don't know who this is

IMGP0630, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

i didn't take this. i don't know who this is. when i was ten and macking older girls my life looked like this photo.

when the fuck is santa getting here

picture0009, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

this is also how i feel at parties.


darkness, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

i think this completely captures my inner voice

yoko and the no no (s)

IMG_1571, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

if you are looking for a global sandwich look no further



glam, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

.......and then we shagged iggy.