
The Vlad

The Vlad, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

This is The Vlad. He always has a sly grin in his eye that says "i will kill you" or "let's hug" at the same time.

Max Taser Lazy

Max Taser Lazy, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

Super Villain Name: Poco Choke Oh Man
Powers: Able to summon a boiling rage toward life while driving that exponentially increases his cursing skills

Down by the World Trade Center

This is what you see when you are wearing comic book style hi-tech armor. Word.

Brooklyn Ale House

IMG_1027, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

When i lived in Park Slope, a year out of school, i went here and drank with my mom. Years later i played cards in the basement with a few friends. It's a good place.

Clammora seeking Godzilla to dry hump

This alligator just came up right out of a sewer grate. It was great!

punch her. take her wallet. run.

IMG_0990, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

this is down down down manhattan. i was on my way to battery city park.

Tatianna's Portal to Hell

...which opened to another door that lead down a lamp lit hall. My sister and her dungeons that glow with grandeur just before the fall.

I was riding my bike around Coney Island looking for fat people photo ops when i came across this door that little russian women kept coming in and out of. This is what i saw.

androids are real

androids are real, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

It had tried to back me up into a corner wall along the park but was distracted by the naked homeless orgy writhing rising just along the vanishing point. I cemented my fist in it's abdominal jugular and heard a dry cracking as it's leg twisted, caught between a tree stump and an obscured city approved sculptural cat's claw.


construction, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

It was a long, frightfull fall that day in May with lightning licking my body and thunder stealing my breathe away.

table reflection

table reflection, originally uploaded by beast of all notions.

marcello, a dutch slave brought to the new world and then cast out of it by colonial witches, finds an "image taker" somewhere in a parrallel future to his own. This is the last photo he took.