my belly is full, you are an asshole and i'm drunk

you are chemical in sediment and nothing is going to change your mind but then here's a condom and some cocaine so there goes your sexual behind.
suck the hairs out of my toenails and shake the tree of my children's inheritance until you find:
Mr. bellum you reckless suck up
uploading forever
swamp chimes alerting the half duck half canaries to dine
soda and whiskey and limes
so it happened to me judge a minute ago
squeezing a wedge
listening to the squeeze
singing a life to death
a longggggggggggg time ago
in the winter
snow falling upward
in the hollowed out body of a train car
sometime in the early afternoon
near the river
surrounded by sullen dynamite and
littered pornography
i stared out above the branches
and dreamt the future of you
with bowls of steam
and mouth of heat
Just After the War
we couldn't have more loving in the sink or desert swim
you with your algorhythm sins
every "i don't know" to every "this is what is wrong with me
this is all i'll do to you
this is all i need" made you run to firmer tenements
and i give in.
i understand you
and now i muster
the courage to
leave the boat
and drink
Shit and Shave: a drama in three acts

Act I:
El Ocho wanders the hallways of the tenement not understanding the flophouse layout. He turns and pees down a stairwell. Someone screams from above. El Ocho wanders into the communal bathroom, enters a stall, and pulls out his kit to shave.
Act II:
Rebecca, having just been mugged a few hours before, returns to her room to find it ransacked. She lets out a roar, picks up her towel and marches to the shower.
Act III:
Upon entering the bathroom Rebecca sees a circle of fecal matter and a naked drunk swaying in the middle of it. He has a razor in his hand that he is waving around like a conductor in front of an orchestra. Hello Ocho, she says heading back out of the bathroom, closing the door.