
itching and scratching, doublemint gum commercial

you can't tell me i'm wrong if i tell you you're wrong right after. that's how it works, honey. ask anyone with half a brain and the other half is doublemint gum flavored candy cotton. if you say "oh you look pretty today, herm," and i say "no, you look great, whatever the fuck your name is," then you look great whatsyourfuckingface and i do not. Now you can counter with the patented "No, no, your are," but you have to name me and state what it "is/are" i am am. "No, no, you look great Herm, again, in the face." Understand? Good. Let's move on to important news.

My eyes have been itchy for the last month. I think it might be the wool army navy blacket i pulled out of the trash a few weeks ago. I've been using it as a beddy bye lasagna layer of cheese or meat to insulate me from the cold that is my beautifully barren wood floored room. My room is big. i used to live in a small nook of space that i'm sure was once a squirrel's nest until the landlords got the gentrification line itch. "Hell, Matsuda, we'll evict the rodents and move in a Puerto Rican. Yeeehaw!" Well, others say i may have allergies but i refuse to swallow red pills (not since the chest scratching incident in Shanghai back in 2002). A dead prostitute made of rice noodles. It's all a scam champ. You've been had.

And there you have it: i've used all the words of my title in the text and you, my diseased reader, are not cheated.

Also, Santiago Calatrava...what's up? I'm looking forward to a bold New York skyline just as much as the next Astorian but 15 million for a split level? New York should have an Open House day where people pay a fee of ???? $25 to view some of these cold modern cribs as seen in architecture magazine and home design websites.

Fight the flower!


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