
The last few months up to a year to a month

I've been meaning to keep a sketchbook proper that i draw in at least once a day but i have failed. I tried to keep a journal but i'm no longer a teenaged girl. Sticky notes motherfucker. Sticky notes are my day to day connections with myself while floating dull in the workspace subway space grocery place evening chore listening at the door for my girlfriend to come home and play along with me. Here are some things i wrote:

Small yellow -
"My father was a brutal man
with long groping heavy hands
the spitting image of his mother."

Square blue -
"All the things i've written about myself
seem like something written about
someone else i like. It's because i lie
and embellish but the great thing is...
now i'm trying to act like the me i lie
about and that's making me the me
i am."

Small yellow -
"Amy Winehouse makes my nuts hurt."

Small yellow -
"I shoulda seen her (Winehouse) when she
played that little crap jazz club up in Roch
Cha Cha before she went and got brilliant."

Small yellow -
"I told her [girlfriend] that while we were
in Quebec i'd speak gibberish French:
Henobatta henobatta sweengbatta"

Square blue -
"Cesar Chong!"
"That not my name, assdeviler."
"No, no, you little squat fool, i meant Seize her!"


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